The Secret Ingredient

"Do you use a special type of Flour? "

"Do you import your cocoa? "

"What kind of oven do you use?"

"Did you get trained under Nigella Lawson?"(now wouldn't that be something) 

"What's the secret ingredient ?"

The ones who were with me when I first started "Jess Bakes" know that I started off my business using a microwave to make my cakes and bakes. ("A microwave? You're not serious, are you?")

Though this was not the "ideal manner" of baking, I had to make do with the equipments I owned . 

Microwave baking is considered to be easy (or so I thought), but getting a moist soft cake out of this guy was the tricky part. Products from a microwave are usually considered to be dry or hardened and brittle after exposure to the atmosphere.The key was to set it at the right feature, power and time which took me about a year to perfect it and get that right. 

I've been asked by dozens of novice bakers on how I go about with my baking and they all seem to be in disbelief, hahaha. 
The idea was to make it simple, easy and affordable since most households around the world, if not for an oven own and use a microwave daily. So why not use it to start off a small business?

"So that's your secret? Using a microwave?"

Oh I wish it were that simple. This secret ingredient cannot be bought and is not very easily available you see. You will have to first find it, then build it, nurture it, take care of it and keep it safe and not lose it to this ever fast moving world.

"Okay,I'm slowly losing my patience here. Tell me already!"

Fine, fine! So here it goes.

The secret ingredient is,


In the world that is growing and evolving fast and with passion turning into commercialization, finding what you love and working on it is the sole way of building and making something meaningful and great. 
The thought is quite simple if you ask me. If you Love something, work on it and take care of it. In this way the passion burning inside of you will forever be lit and bright to face any downfall with open arms and a smile.
Love what you do, then everything else will fall into place.

" The secret ingredient is always Love"


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