Autodidacticism - NO MORE!
Oh don't worry, I'm still as healthy as the Cookie Monster.I'm just fancy and not self taught anymore. The days of basking in the glory and comfort of being a "self taught" baker have now officially come to an end. Well, the journey until this point was ummm..lets see, easy peesy lemon squeesy! In fact, it was as easy as starting this blog (Oh who am I kidding? *tears rolling*). I was sinking into the false belief that I knew it all and would one day "figure" it all out on my own. In other words, I refused to accept that I needed HELP! I had to let go of that false belief and self-pride and stoop down a little. After long hours of self-talk, self-debate and self-reflection..... I made a decision. I decided to pursue something big, scary, exciting and expensive (thank you Dad!). Diploma de Patisserie, Lavonne I chose to tread on my current path by accepting that I needed to grow and add technical and professional knowledge to the natural skill I ...